Forget history, this is about the future. Keepod, the brainchild of lifelong friends Nissan and Franky, is reshaping the tech landscape for a new generation.

Fate intervened in late 2008 when Nissan and Franky crossed paths at a Sonic Youth concert in Milan. A spark ignited – not just a friendship, but a shared vision for Keepod's potential.

Nissan and Franky embarked on a global odyssey. They traveled extensively, immersing themselves in different regions to identify the flaws in traditional methods of providing technology access. These experiences became the foundation for the Keepod Social Impact Model, meticulously crafted to address those specific needs.

A wildly successful crowdfunding campaign catapulted Keepod into the global spotlight, garnering media attention worldwide. This newfound momentum fueled their next move – deploying Keepod in various locations. Through a cycle of experimentation and refinement, Nissan and Franky continued to hone Keepod's effectiveness in bridging the digital gap.

Fast-forward to today, Keepod has grown to deliver products that are unique in their approach, style, history, and quality. Nissan and Franky received multiple awards and recognition for their work, but more importantly, their vision is surviving the test of time.​​​​​​​ And when the collaboration feels right, Keepod continues to create experiences with like-minded brands and artists.

What started as a product created to fit the specific needs of privacy and security has grown into a product line that empowers and inspires communities and people all over the world. Watch closely over the next years as Keepod continues to build its name as a revolutionary brand.